Why Transcreation is Essential for Global Business Success

Braahmam International
3 min readJun 6, 2024
Transcreation is Essential for Global Business Success

To succeed internationally, businesses must successfully convey their brand message across several languages and cultural contexts. That’s where transcreation comes in. Transcreation, as opposed to simple translation, modifies the text to speak to the target audience’s emotions and cultural background while maintaining the original meaning and impact. Here’s why transcreation is essential to the success of global businesses.

  1. Maintaining Brand Consistency Across Markets

Maintaining a consistent brand voice is essential for building a recognizable and trustworthy brand. Transcreation ensures that your brand’s tone, style and message are preserved across different languages and cultures. This consistency helps establish a solid global brand identity and fosters trust and loyalty among international customers.

Example: Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke” campaign replaced its famous logo with people’s names. Transcreation adapted this campaign for different cultures, selecting names and nicknames that resonated locally, thereby maintaining the successful campaign’s emotional appeal globally.

2. Enhancing Cultural Relevance and Emotional Connection

Transcreation goes beyond literal translation to adapt idioms, humor, and cultural references, ensuring that content resonates deeply with the local audience. This cultural relevance is vital for creating an emotional connection with consumers, which can significantly influence their purchasing decisions.

Example: In 2020, when KFC decided to temporarily drop its tagline “Finger-Lickin’ Good” out of concerns for hygiene during the Covid pandemic, they chose to keep it in India, saying, “In India, finger lickin’ is proportionate to how we relish our food. It will never go out of fashion”.

3. Boosting Marketing Effectiveness

Effective marketing hinges on the ability to engage and persuade the target audience. Transcreation ensures that marketing messages are understood and felt, enhancing their persuasive power. This leads to higher engagement rates, better customer retention, and increased sales.

Example: Apple’s product launches are meticulously transcreated for each market, ensuring product descriptions and promotional materials resonate with local consumers’ values and lifestyles, thereby driving higher engagement and sales.

4. Navigating Legal and Ethical Nuances

Different countries have their own regulations and cultural sensitivities that must be respected. Transcreation helps navigate these nuances by ensuring that content complies with local laws and ethical standards, avoiding potential legal issues and cultural faux pas.

Example: Pharmaceutical companies must ensure that their product information adheres to local regulations while remaining clear and understandable to consumers. Transcreation ensures compliance without compromising on clarity and impact.

5. Facilitating Global Market Penetration

Expanding into new markets requires more than just translating product information. It demands an in-depth understanding of local consumer behavior, preferences and cultural norms. Transcreation provides this insight, enabling businesses to tailor their approach effectively and penetrate global markets more successfully.

Example: Netflix’s global expansion strategy relies heavily on transcreation. By offering localized content that resonates with diverse audiences, Netflix has gained significant market share worldwide.

In Summary

Communicating effectively across cultures can make or break a business in the global marketplace. Transcreation is a strategic tool that ensures your brand message is powerful, relevant, and impactful across different markets. By investing in transcreation, businesses can enhance their global reach, foster deeper connections with international customers, and drive sustained success worldwide.

Businesses can transcend language barriers and cultural differences by leveraging transcreation, creating a unified yet locally relevant brand presence. As the world becomes increasingly globalized, Transcreation is not just an option but a necessity for any business aspiring to global success.



Braahmam International

Braahmam International: Founded in 1997. Provider of translation services - voice-over, subtitling 110 languages supported. https://www.braahmam.net/